
Support Every Employee's Health Journey 

Health coaches can help employees improve their health and meet their health goals, while reducing healthcare costs for employers. Our experience and flexible options allow us to meet individuals where they are in their health journey.

A Holistic, Employee-Focused Approach to Health Coaching

Health and wellness coaching touches the physical, emotional and environmental spheres of each participant’s life. Our methodology is rooted in evidence-based behavior change theories, and we engage participants where they are, helping them choose realistic goals and move toward positive behavior change. The three pillars of our holistic approach include:

  • Discovery: Our qualified workplace wellness coaches take the time to understand your employees’ unique health situations
  • Visioning: We work closely with your employees to identify health values and set SMART goals tailored to their personal health needs
  • Self-Monitoring: Our health coaching solutions empower participants to identify barriers and celebrate successes

Personalized Health Coaching Experience

Our health coaches include exercise physiologists, registered dietitians, certified diabetes care and education specialists and certified tobacco cessation specialists, and they are trained in Mental Health First Aid. We have more than 1,400 health coaches in all 50 states. Our health and wellness coaching services provide your employees with:

  • Thoughtful advice of a personal health consultant through convenient, one-on-one coaching sessions conducted on-site or over the phone
  • Individual follow-up to review biometric screening results through our telephonic WellReview program
  • Peace of mind knowing their online health coaching services are private and that all online messaging is secure
  • Seminars and webinars on general wellness, condition management, food and nutrition, physical activity, and emotional well-being

Spirit of Partnership

Labcorp provides health coaching services for dozens of clients nationwide. We also partner with other providers, seamlessly integrating our coaching services with their health and wellness offerings.



“My coach is amazing. I quit smoking cigarettes in September and I credit her support through it as a large part of my success.”

- LES health coaching participant 

“I want to tell you, I am so thankful for this program and the guidance of my health coach. I would never of tried this philosophy of diet and exercise without these interactions.”

- LES health coaching participant 

“I lost 20 pounds, lowered my blood pressure, improved my cholesterol and triglycerides.”

- LES health coaching participant 

Coaches Corner: hear from our team