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Para conocer los horarios, visitas sin turno y citas.Labcorp is committed to improving lives and enabling access for all. Located within miles of 95% of the US population, your members can reach us wherever they are-at home, in the community or online
With hundreds of scientific resources to address your physicians' test ordering and interpretation questions, we can help you provide members more personalized care
Labcorp can lead the way with lab stewardship best practices, clinical guidelines-based processes that promote better outcomes, and proven programs for unlocking savings
Improve your ratings and the health of your most vulnerable populations with our targeted programs including gaps in care and analytics powered by 35 billion lab results
The online destination for managed care customers. Search and download clinical lab results through a secure online portal.
Primary testing and specialty lab certifications by state.
Information about the transition to the ICD-10 code set.
Our comprehensive menu has nearly 5,000 tests.
Combining national reference lab quality with convenient at-home test collection, we are able to work with you to efficiently close gaps in care for your patients.
Working with us can also improve your clinical outcomes and lower healthcare costs often associated with chronic conditions.
Experience convenient access to timely management reports.
We offer a variety of services to support utilization review, disease management, eligibility processing and other analyses.