
On-site Clinics and Voucher Programs to Suit Your Needs

Create your game plan for flu season

With all that’s going on, it’s understandable that the seasonal flu might not be the first thing on your mind. However, as organizations return to work and school, taking steps to prevent the flu is more important than ever before. Healthcare professionals at Labcorp make it easy. To address the seasonal flu, we can coordinate an on-site flu clinic, or plan and implement a voucher program for employees working off-site.

Comprehensive flu services

We provide a full range of services to support your hybrid workforce, including both on-site and off-site flu services. You can combine on-site biometric screening and flu vaccination events, so it's even more convenient for employees.

Why choose Labcorp for flu vaccinations?

Labcorp handles 1.5 million flu shots on an annual basis, with over 27 years of experience staffing health events and handling immunizations. Trust Labcorp to support your workforce through the uncertainties of the upcoming flu season.

In addition to our flu vaccination services, we provide flexible pre-employment screening, workforce drug testing, wellness and COVID-19 testing services that support your employees no matter where they work.
